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title:“Fugitive Slave Advertisement”
authors:George Mason
date written:1786-9-30

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Mason, George. "Fugitive Slave Advertisement." The Papers of George Mason. Vol. 2. Ed. Robert A. Rutland. Chapel Hill: The University of North Carolina Press, 1970. 855-56. Print.

Fugitive Slave Advertisement (September 30, 1786)

[30 September 1786]
RAN away a few days ago from the Subscribers living in Fairfax County, Virginia, viz. DICK a very lusty well made Mulatto fellow, about 25 years of age, has bushy hair or wool, which he generally combs back, large teeth and eyes, a grum down look when spoken to, is a subtle artful fellow, well acquainted both with Virginia and Maryland, beats a drum pretty well, and formerly a waiting-man: He took with him a light lead coloured country cloth coat, with white metal buttons, a short green ditto, a white cloth waistcoat, a red ditto faced with black velvet, a round hat half worn, and common shoes and stockings. He ran away some time ago, when he worked on board a bay craft by the name of Thomas Webster.— WATT a stout Negro fellow, remarkably black, about 35 years of age, has lost some of his foreteeth, which in some measure affects his voice, has had cross paths lately shaved on his head, to conceal which he will probably shave or cut close the rest of his hair. He is an artful fellow, has a down look, and seems confused when examined: He took with him a brown cloth coat, a pair of black breeches, and a variety of clothes not known. They will perhaps change their names and pass for freemen: and it is probable they may have a forged pass.—They will probably make for the Eastern-Shore, or for the State of Delaware or Pennsylvania. The above reward, or five pounds, for either of them will be paid for delivering them to the subscribers, or for securing them in any gaol and giving us notice, so that we get them again, and if brought home all reasonable charges paid.
N. B. All Captains or Skippers of vessels and others are hereby forewarned, at their peril, from taking them on board, or employing them.

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