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title:“George Clinton to John Lamb”
authors:George Clinton, John Lamb
date written:1788-6-21

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Clinton, George and John Lamb. "Letter to John Lamb." The Documentary History of the Ratification of the Constitution. Vol. 18. Ed. Gaspare J. Saladino and John P. Kaminski. Madison: Wisconsin Historical Society Press, 1995. 48. Print.
The New-York Historical Society

George Clinton to John Lamb (June 21, 1788)

The communications from Virginia to which you transmitted by Captain Tillinghast has been communicated to a Committee of Gentlemen opposed to the Adoption of the new Constitution without previous Amendment, who have requested me to present their thanks to you for your unwearied Attention to our Common Cause, for which you will also be pleased to accept of mine.
It gives me and them sensible Pleauser to learn that the Friends to the Liberties of our Country to the Southward are equally anxious with those who are not ashamed of that unfashionable Name here—.
The Friends to the Rights of Mankind outnumber the Advocates for Despotism, nearly two to one—Yesterday the Dabates began on the third Clause respecting Representation.
The most that has been said by the new Government Men, has been only a second Edition of Publius, well delivered —other Hamilton—; One of the New York Delegates has in Substance tho' not explicitly thrown off the Mask, his Arguments tending to Shew the Necessity of a Consolidated Continental, to the exclusion of any State Government. This however he has recalled to day finding it would do their Cause Injury.
The Republican Members of the Convention have appointed a Special Committee of Correspondence with the neighbouring Conventions &ca, of which the Honorable Judge Yates is Chairman—
You will receive enclosed, and left open for your perusal a Letter from the Committee to Colo Mason Chairman of the Virginia Committee which is entrusted to your forwarding—with whatever other Communications you and our other Friends in New York may think proper to make to that Quarter by such safe and expeditious mode of Conveyance as you may think expedient—The Letter to Colo Mason you will observe is put under Cover to Mr. George Flemming Merchant in Richmond as advised in Mr Masons Letter.
The Committee have desired me to offer you their Thanks for your Attention and Care in forwarding the Information from Virginia, and request a Continuance of the Favor when any thing new and Important reaches you.
[P. S.] Capt Tillinghast and Mr. Lamb will stay with me until Tuesday, which induces me to send this by Captain North who has promised safely to deliver it—A Duplicate will be sent by Capt. Tillinghast.
[P. P. S.] Dr sir You will Please to examine the amendments—there was not time to do it, as the sloop is going, & have them copied

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