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title:“Theophilus Parson's Notes of the Massachusetts Ratification Convention”
authors:Jeremy Belknap
date written:1788-1-18

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Belknap, Jeremy. "Theophilus Parson's Notes of the Massachusetts Ratification Convention." The Documentary History of the Ratification of the Constitution. Vol. 6. Ed. Gaspare J. Saladino and John P. Kaminski. Madison: Wisconsin Historical Society Press, 2000. 1252. Print.
Massachusetts Archives

Theophilus Parson's Notes of the Massachusetts Ratification Convention (January 18, 1788)

Mr. GORE spoke upon the rule of census, upon the number of representatives.
Mr. JONES, of Boston.
Mr. COOLEY asks how the quota is to be apportioned upon the inhabitants of the State. Mr. KING. Perhaps Congress may never exercise this power. They must first demand it of the State, and if they will not assess and pay it, then Congress will assess and collect it, and it is to be presumed that Congress will adopt the usual rule in a State.1
Mr. SHURTLEFF. He now understands it.
Hon. Mr. DANA. The question now seems to be, whether Congress will ever have the necessity of levying Direct taxes-2an attack of one State is an attack upon all-guards against the prejudice of education - the advocates for the Constitution are the friends of the people - high Whigs - they early braved the common danger. The nation should have power to avail itself of all the national resources. There is no danger-New England will have a sufficient influence to preserve itself. No standing army, because in no sudden danger.
Mr. WEDGERY. The question is, how that is to be apportioned? Merchants in Congress will oppose imposts, and have Direct taxation on polls.
DENCH. He is satisfied.
Maj. FULLER is for Direct taxes in time of war only. Georgia has too many representatives. Remove these doubts, and I am for the Constitution.
Hon. Mr. WHITE has difficulty about Georgia, and two or three States at the southward.
Mr. RANDAL moves Mr. Gerry may be asked to satisfy Major Fuller's difficulty.
Mr. WEDGERY objects, and moves that a time may be assigned to ask questions, and it is seconded; but the motion is withdrawn, and Mr. Randal's motion prevailed, to ask Mr. Gerry the reasons for the requisition.

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