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title:“George Mason to Richard Henry Lee”
authors:George Mason
date written:1779-3-10

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Mason, George. "Letter to Richard Henry Lee." The Papers of George Mason. Vol. 2. Ed. Robert A. Rutland. Chapel Hill: The University of North Carolina Press, 1970. 490. Print.
Recipient's Copy, Lee Papers, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Va.

George Mason to Richard Henry Lee (March 10, 1779)

Gunston-Hall March 10th. 1779.
A late Return of the Rheumatism has [deter]mined my Son George to try the Effect of some of the Southern Climates of Europe, for a Year or two: he intends to go out in a Vessel which will sail soon f [rom] Alexandria; but whether he will fix his Residence in France, Spain, or Italy, must depend upon the Advice of the Physicians in Paris; most probably it will be at Montpelier, or some where in the South of France. As he will be entirely a Stranger, you will oblige me exceedingly in giving him Letters of Introduction, as the Son of a Friend of yours, to your Brother Doctr. Lee, & Mr. John Adams at Paris; whose Notice will be a great Satisfaction & Advantage to him. If you have any particular Commands, he will take pleasure in conveying them; & any Letters you are pleased to favour him with, sent under Cover to me by the next post, will be in time.
I shall give him Credit upon a House in Nantes, where I have lodged some Money, drawn from London, a Year or two ago.
I have taken the Liberty to trouble you with two letters, which I beg the favour of you to forward to France, by the first good Vessel from the Delaware, or the adjacent States; or if any safe Opportunity offers of sending them to the Northward, perhaps they may go sooner from thence: I shall send duplicates from Virginia.
I was in Hopes of hearing from you by the last Post. Report says that Congress have received some very important & agreeable Intelligence from Europe; whether it is really so, & kept secret for Reasons of State, or whether it is only some mercantile Manoeuvre, we are at a Loss to judge, & begin to suspect the latter.
Eight Vessels are said to have arrived last Week at Hampton; but we have not yet heard what they are. We have no late news from the Southward.
I beg my Compliments to your Brother Colo. F. Lee, and am, very sincerely, Dr Sir, Your affect. & obdt. Servt.

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