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title:“Gilbert Livingston's Notes of the New York Ratification Convention Debates”
authors:Gilbert Livingston
date written:1788-7-26

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last updated:Jan. 22, 2013, 7:57 a.m. UTC
retrieved:April 26, 2024, 2:30 a.m. UTC

Livingston, Gilbert. "Gilbert Livingston's Notes of the New York Ratification Convention Debates." The Documentary History of the Ratification of the Constitution. Vol. 22. Ed. John P. Kaminski. Madison: Wisconsin Historical Society Press, 2008. 2321-25. Print.
Gilbert Livingston, Notes, New York Public Library

Gilbert Livingston's Notes of the New York Ratification Convention Debates (July 26, 1788)

CONVENTION PROCEEDINGS. Convention met— Mr Jay from the informal Committee to draft a Letter to the different states—reported the same—agreed with the report—
Ordered—12. Coppies of the report Letter be engrossed Ordered that the engrossed ratification be read—previous to the final question—the same was read—
HENRY WISNER. wishes to be indulged— yesterday voted for the constn. wished to give it one day longer—came here deter [mine] to reject it—but we have gone from one step to another— has viewd it—thoroughly—cannot vote for it—yet if [it] is carried will aid it all he can—
CONVENTION PROCEEDINGS. On the final question —on the engrossed ratification it was carried in the Affirmative for it —30—, against it —27—

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