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title:“James Freeman to Theophilis Lindsey”
authors:James Freeman
date written:1788-3-29

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Freeman, James. "Letter to Theophilis Lindsey." The Documentary History of the Ratification of the Constitution. Vol. 16. Ed. Gaspare J. Saladino and John P. Kaminski. Madison: Wisconsin Historical Society Press, 1986. 504-05. Print.

James Freeman to Theophilis Lindsey (March 29, 1788)

... By this conveyance I send three copies of the debates of the Massachusetts convention, one of which you will please to present to Dr. Price, with my most respectful compliments, and another to my friend Mr. Hazlitt. The new consitution of government has been almost the sole object which has occupied the minds of the people of these states during several months past. It has kinkled the flame of party zeal among us; but it has fortunately in its favour a large majority of the rich, the wise, and the virtuous. You will find the constitution less democratick, than might be expected from a people who are so fond of liberty. Various causes have conspired to render republican sentiments unfashionable; among which may be mentioned Mr. J. Adam's publications, a late insurrection in the state of massachusetts, and the corrupt proceedings of the legislature of Rhode-island. Several states have not yet given their opinion; but the constitution will probably be adopted by eleven at least. It is supposed that New York and Rhode-island will be in the minority. A few of our old patriots fewar that the government will terminate in aristocracy or monarchy. It is impossible to foresee what the event will be. I can only pray, that God will preserve us from the tyranny of kings, and the insolence of nobles. Amidst these apprehensions, it affords pleasure to reflect that though civil liberty may possibly lose, yet that religious liberty will certainly gain, by the new constitution...

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