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date written:1787-1-15

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"Marcus." The Documentary History of the Ratification of the Constitution. Vol. 13. Ed. Gaspare J. Saladino and John P. Kaminski. Madison: Wisconsin Historical Society Press, 1981. 383-84. Print.

Marcus (January 15, 1787)

It is the Interest of the Merchants to encourage the New Constitution, because Commerce may then be a national object, and nations will form treaties with us.
It is the Interest of the Mechanics to join the mercantile interest; because it is not their interest to quarrel with their bread and butter.
It is the Interest of the Farmer, because the prosperity of Commerce gives vent to his produce, raises the value of his lands, and commercial duties will alleviate the burthen of his taxes.
It is the Interest of the Landholder, because thousands in Europe, with moderate fortunes, will migrate to this country, if an efficient Government gives them a prospect of tranquillity.
It is the Interest of all Gentlemen and Men of Property, because they will see many low Demagogues reduced to their tools, whose upstart dominion insults their feelings, and whose passion for popularity will dictate laws which ruin the minority of the Creditors, and please the majority of Debtors.
It is the Interest of all Public Creditors, because they will see the credit of the States rise, and their Securities appreciate.
It is the Interest of the American Soldier, as the military profession will then be respectable, and the Floridas may be conquered in a campaign. The spoils of the West-Indies and South-America may enrich the next generation of Cincinnati.
It is the Interest of the Lawyers who have ability and genius, because the dignities in the Supreme Court will interest professional ambition, and create emulation which is not felt now.2 The dignities of the State Court, a Notary or the prosecutor of a bond will not aspire to, which has cheapened their value. Men also have enjoyed them without professional knowledge, and who are only versed in the abstract and learned science of the plough.
It is the Interest of the Clergy, as civil tumults excite every bad passion- the soul is neglected, and the Clergy starve.
It is the interest of all men, whose education has been liberal and extensive; because there will be a theatre for the display of talents, which have no influence in State Assemblies, where eloquence is treated with contempt, and reason overpowered by a silent vote. It is not the Interest of those who enjoy State consequence, which would be lost in the Assemblies of the States. These insects and worms are only seen on their own dunghill. There are minds whose narrow vision can look over the concerns of a State or Town, but cannot extend their short vision to Continental concerns. Manners are essential in such a Government, and where the Union is represented, care should be taken to impress the other States with respectable opinions, and if this becomes a principle they must remain at home, and not presume to these national dignities.
(a) Citation Laws New-York, Oct. 13.

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