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title:“Theodorick Bland Randolph to St. George Tucker”
authors:John Randolph, Theodorick Bland, Theodorick Bland Randolph
date written:1789-9-9

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last updated:Jan. 22, 2013, 8:03 a.m. UTC
retrieved:May 4, 2024, 6:25 a.m. UTC

Randolph, John, Theodorick Bland, and Theodorick Bland Randolph. "Letter to St. George Tucker." Creating the Bill of Rights. Ed. Kenneth R. Bowling and Helen E. Veit. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1991. 293. Print.

Theodorick Bland Randolph to St. George Tucker (September 9, 1789)

The house of Representatives have been for some time past engaged on the subject of amendments to the constitution, though in my opinion they have not made one single material one. The senate are at present engaged on that subject;1 Mr. Richd. H Lee told me that he proposed to strike out the standing army in time of peace but could not carry it.2 He also sais that it has been proposed, and warmly favoured that, liberty of Speach and of the press may be stricken out, as they only tend to promote licenciousness.3 If this takes place god knows what will follow.

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